Your Paws and Me Founder: Shauntay Shadrach

Hi, my name is Shauntay Shadrach. I reside in Jersey Shore, PA, with my husband, two kids, four dogs, a cat and now seven ducks! I have been a lifelong dog and animal lover. I grew up on a small 10-acre farm in Sharpsburg, and we had cattle dogs, pigmy goats, sheep, Guinea birds, ducks, geese, and chickens. At 14 years of age, I joined my local Ambulance Hall and studied Emergency Medicine as a volunteer. At 17, I earned my EMT-B. As a junior in high school, I went to a technical high school for Health Occupations and earned my CNA and GNA. I then studied nursing throughout my early adulthood and worked there for about ten years. I worked at two different veterinarian clinics part-time through my nursing year days. I enjoyed the animal work, but it still wasn’t exactly what I was looking to do with animals. In 2017, I started my own daycare business to stay home with my youngest child and realized that I needed to help my dogs settle down with new kids in the home and figure out how to occupy them while I did Daycare upstairs. I stumbled across Pat Miller’s Positive Perspectives 2 book, and I fell in love at first sight. I knew then I wanted to train dogs for a living. I started researching dog training, and I have been reading and studying the topic ever since. I have completed two online courses from the Karen Pryor Academy, Dog Trainer Foundations and Shelter Training and Enrichment, and one online course through Victoria Stilwell Academy, Fundamentals of Dog Training and Behavior Course. Then, in June of 2021, I brought my Border Collie Great Dane mix out for his first basic good manners class, and we both enjoyed it beyond what I imagined. I knew then this was what I wanted to do as a career! We have taken numerous classes, including weekend workshops in 2021. I did so well I started assisting the lead trainer with group classes, and as of January 2022, I started teaching those same group classes! I have completed four internship academies: Level One Canine Behavior and Training, Canine Behavior Modification, Canine Aggression, and Canine Cognition Academy at Peaceable Paws, and earned my Pat Miller Certified Trainer Level Two in May of 2022. In January 2023, I became a Fear-Free Certified Professional Trainer and Boarding professional and a Certified Dog Bite Prevention Educator. I continue to attend continuing education webinars and weekend workshops to keep up with the constant change in science and research, always to bring you the most up-to-date scientific analysis of canine behavior and training!